Arrange the sliced asparagus spears on a plate and pour over a little of the dressing, dot a few pieces of chilli on the plate and some mint leaves torn from the stalks. 将芦笋片放在盘子上,浇上凤尾鱼做的酱汁,最后在面上撒上一些红辣椒和薄荷叶。
Pour into pie plate. 倒入饼盘。
Dilute red food coloring with water and pour onto a damp paper towel on a plate. 将红色食用色素加水稀释后倒在铺有湿纸巾的盘子里,在烤饼干专用印章上面沾上食用色素,然后将印章盖在月饼表面。重复以上做月饼的步骤把其它月饼做好。
It is considered bad manner to waste soya sauce, so try not to pour more sauce into your plate than you are actually going to be using. 注意,不要倒太多,因为如果不能完全用完而剩下,会被认为是浪费和不礼貌的行为。
Lastly, pour the blended concoction onto the fruit plate and garnish. 最后,将搅拌好的果汁倒入水果盘中,装饰一番。
Methods The levels of bacterial contamination of disinfectant were detected with pour plate method. 方法倾注法检测消毒液染菌量,常规方法分离鉴定细菌。
Pour in prawns with shells facing down, cook until their bodies bend and meat becomes firm, and then transfer onto a plate. 倒入大头虾,虾壳向下煮至虾身弯曲及虾肉结实,取出上碟。
Pour enough batter to cover the base of a greased pan, fry until light golden on both sides, roll up and transfer to a plate. 把适量粉浆倒入已落油之平底煎镬内,煎至两面呈金黄色,卷起上碟。
And he proceeded to pour a riverful of the salty black stuff on the china plate, right before my mother's shocked eyes. 接着他就当着我母亲吃惊的眼光,把“一河浜”这种咸乎乎、黑溜溜的东西倒到了瓷盆里。
The composition of bacterial communities in the formation water is determined by most probable number method, pour plate method and roll-tube technique. 利用最大或然数法、倾注平板法和滚管法对产出水中的细菌群落状况进行了分析。
Neutron testing method for detecting cavity defect of pour concrete under steel plate lining 钢板下浇注混凝土空洞缺陷中子探查新技术